Soap Making in Savannah, GA

Here in Savannah soap making has become a fresh trend of late. It seems that everywhere I turn, I'm running into someone who has decided to craft their own or to buy custom bars and lotions from some of our new soap boutiques. This very morning I mentioned to a friend of mine that I was going to write an article on soap making and he lit up. "What a coincidence", he said. "I just decided yesterday that I was going to start making my own soap because my skin is always red and irritated."

On the boutique side of things, we've fallen in love with a shop on Broughton Street in downtown Savannah called Nourish. All they sell are soaps and lotions that they make right there on site. It's a feast for the eyes and nose once you walk into the little place and their variety is overwhelming. I'm an old hippy and I really enjoy their Nag Champa bar. Smells just like the famous Satya Sai Baba incense but it's loaded with shea butter so it lathers up up luxuriously. Another, fave is their Old Man And The Sea bar. Women buy these for their men Men's bar soap and then the men come back and buy more. It is one of their best sellers and is made up of chamomile tea, bay rum and French green clay.

Nourish makes a lot of aloe vera based soaps including their Fountain Of Youth bar which features Dead Sea Mud. Also, the Seaweed Sauna bar is decadent in a hot bath tub.

The prettiest selection is their glycerine products that look more like desserts than cleansing bars. They hand cut each one right there at about 5 bucks for 4.5 ounces.

Down the street from Nourish is one of my favorite shops in Savannah, The Savannah Bee Company. Their business is honey...all kinds of honey and honey products. They make a Honey Bar Soap that's unbelievable. They're made up of their own honey plus olive and jojoba oils, all natural fragrances and no detergents of parabens to aggravate your skin. The two flavors are Orange Blossom and Mint Julep.

Our local brew pub, Moon River, evens sells their own Fest Beer Soap.

I've also found a few sites on line that deal in soap making supplies and education. One is Teach Soap and another is Glory Bee Foods. They carry all the supplies: aloe vera concentrate, spices, shape molds, beeswax, mango butter, shea butter, collagen and the like. They have beginner kits and Teach Soap specializes in education for all levels of soap makers.

I think that this is a good thing. These products smell better, last longer, are eco-friendly and are better for your skin. We've already started whipping up our own soap and are tingling with glee.


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